Pen Pals, Happy Mail, and Love Mail- Oh My!

In the world of letters and packages, amidst the quick texts and emails that dominate our communication norms, there are three special ways we can deeply connect with others: Pen Pals, Happy Mail, and Love Mail. Each one, with its unique charm and purpose, not only brings joy and friendship directly to our mailboxes but also holds a unique charm in the art of snail mail. This traditional yet increasingly rare form of communication—whether it be through the long-term exchanges of Pen Pals, the spontaneous delights of Happy Mail, or the thoughtful appreciations of Love Mail—each has its own special significance and method of forging connections between people.

Pen Pals: A Lifetime of Friendship

Pen pals are all about building a lasting relationship through letters. When you have a pen pal, you write letters back and forth over a long time, sometimes even for a lifetime! It’s not just about sending letters; it’s about sharing your life, your dreams, and sometimes even your secrets with someone else. While sending gifts is optional, it’s a sweet gesture to include a little something now and then. Pen pals create a bond that can last through years, forming friendships that are as deep and meaningful as any other.

  • Long-Term Connection: Engaging in a regular exchange of letters to build a deep, personal relationship that can last for years or even a lifetime.
  • Sharing Lives: Through letters, pen pals share experiences, dreams, and sometimes gifts, fostering a bond that strengthens over time.
  • Gifts Optional: While not expected, sending small gifts can add a delightful touch to the pen pal experience.

Happy Mail Makes People Happy!

Happy Mail is about sending something in the mail for your recipient to find- besides junk mail or a bill. It can be anything from a postcard, envelope letter, or a  package. The unique aspect of happy mail is versatility. You can be part of a happy mail exchange, or send it to someone out of the blue!  You can also even send “naked mail,” where items are mailed without packaging, I love this blog post from 50 years 50 recipes where she sends her daughter away at college random things in the mail- even a rock and a banana without packaging! 

  • Mail Happiness: Aimed at brightening someone’s day, regardless of the format—be it a postcard, letter, or a creatively packaged item.
  • Flexible Approach:
    • Can be sent randomly without expecting anything in return.
    • Alternatively, can engage in a happy mail exchange.
  • Creative Packaging: Often involves decorated envelopes or packages, setting it apart from bills or junk mail. 

Love Mail: Small Gestures, Big Impact

Love Mail, while similar to Happy Mail, distinguishes itself with several key features including:

  • a focus on sending letters to those not expecting them, for an element of surprise for the recipient
  • it is only an envelope, never a package- this ensures that many Love Mails can be sent out. The purpose of Love Mail is to spread as much love to the globe as possible. It is also meant to be inexpensive. Packages are more expensive to send and the contents are more expensive. Love Mail sets a standard of sending the maximum amount of happiness- for the least amount of investment. 
  • it is filled with flat gifts– Love Mail’s motto when it comes to the flat gifts is, “More is MORE”!
  • you make it clear that you do not expect a letter in return- instead encourage the recipient to “pay it forward”

Love Mail serves a multitude of purposes including:

  • reaching out to inspire
  • encourage
  • express gratitude
  • show empathy
  •  a better alternative to a greeting card for any occasion


It also serves as a valuable tool in the professional realm:

  • send Love Mail to a client, such as an ongoing client to show appreciation, or one that has just purchased a large ticket item
  •  to congratulate a co-worker or employee for hitting goals or getting a promotion
  • to thank someone for helping out with a project
  • to thank a potential employer for giving you an interview
  • to encourage a coworker or employee when they are going through a particularly hard time.

Love Mail is meant to be a surprise, making the element of receiving and unexpected letter all the more wonderful! You can send a Love Mail to:

  • someone that you know very well- such as someone that is currently in your life, or that you haven’t seen for a while from your past such as an old mentor, or family member
  •  someone that you just recently met
  • someone in your community that you want to inspire, encourage, or give gratitude to
  • someone that you would like to get to know better, such as someone from your church or an organization that you belong to.

I hope that helps to sum up the differences! Snail mail is a beautiful thing of the past that we have somewhat forgotten about in our modern era of digital communication. I started Love Mail because I wanted to bring back the beauty of sending snail mail to others without that awful obligation to have to write back. I get it! We are all so busy, and guilt is something that just shouldn’t happen for such a thoughtful gesture. If you want a pen pal, or someone to exchange happy mail with, then jump on over to my “Snail-Mail Room”, where you can find others to connect to. For the gifts that will make any type of letters extra special, go check out my store to find the most unique flat gifts to send in a letter that you can print right at home!