How Did Love Mail Begin?

My daughter started sending letters to a pen pal, and the exchanges were so incredibly cute that I wanted to get one too! I did find a couple of people that would write back and that was so much fun! However, I found that many people like the idea, but they were not consistent in writing back. So I thought, maybe people would just enjoy receiving a letter in the mail with all the goodies but I wouldn’t expect a letter in return and just let it be a gift. So I started sending out letters to my friends, letters to strangers… anyone that I had an address to that I knew would be pleasantly surprised. Who doesn’t love getting a letter instead of a bill? Who doesn’t like feeling special and loved? So I began this website with everyone in mind that needs a little love…YOU,ME, and THEM. We can all agree that this world needs more people that care, and I wanted to provide a way to show that love without texting or sending an email. I wanted something more personal, more thoughtful, and something that didn’t require a lot of money. So, welcome to Love Mail! Welcome to the new way to spread unexpected love to the world!

How One Single Letter Impacts the Entire Globe

Love Mail is all about sending love out – without asking for anything in return. That concept is only a small part of something bigger, and deeper, which is loving others without expecting anything in return. I know that loving others is a choice, and I know that others need love even when they can’t give it back. Something that I very recently learned though, is that truth always comes back around. So even if others can ’t give the love back to me, someone else will. And the truth of the love that I gave out will come back in a way that I needed it most. According to the theory, 6 degrees of separation, which I find to be an exciting concept, was started as a story called “Chains” in the 1920’ s. 

It became a tested concept in the 1950’s and again in the 1960’ s. Then in 2001, data was collected that reviewed 48,000 senders targeting 19 people in 157 countries and found that the average number of intermediaries was 6! Microsoft was able to confirm the experiment by running a test, which found it to be an average of 6.6 hops. In 2016, it was discovered that Facebook had reduced the hops to 3.5. So why am I telling you all of this? Well, we know that every encounter that we have with one another ripples out to another and another and anotherwhether it be good or bad. We influence each other by our interactions even if small. The encounters we have with others ripples out across the entire planet, then ripples back, and comes back to us, and to our children, parents, and friends. These small gestures of kindness make our world better for those that we don’t know, and those that we do know. Although it may seem small, it could lead to something much bigger than you imagined, such as in the “True power of the domino effect”, a study from 1983 by Lorne Whitehead. The concept is that a domino can knock down another domino one and a half times its size. So, by starting with a domino five millimeters tall, and increasing the size by one and a half times with each progressive domino, it would only take 29 dominos to knock down the Empire State Building! So that is my true reason for starting Love Mail. To bless those in my home town, and to bless those across the world . . . to start something that will bring a smile to many people that I don’t even know, I won ’t ever meet, and I will never get the opportunity see how it blesses them. I just know that it will. And that makes me happy.