
Love Mail is like Pen Pals, that is filled with tons of flat gifts, but you do NOT expect a letter back! Have you ever written someone and they said, ” I got your letter, but I have been “MEANING” to write you back!” We want to remove the obligation. Love Mail is a gift freely given! We want to make it clear that we are not expecting a letter in return. However, if they do decide that they WANT to write you back, then great, you now have a pen pal! You send an unexpected

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Love Mail is all about sending love out – without asking for anything in return. That concept is only a small part of something bigger, and deeper, which is loving others without expecting anything in return. I know that loving others is a choice, and I know that others need love even when they can’t give it back. Something that I very recently learned though, is that truth always comes back around. So even if others can ’t give the love back to me, someone else will. And the truth of the love that I gave out will come back in a way that I needed it most. According to the theory, 6 degrees of separation, which I find to be an exciting concept, was

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